Event calendar
EC poolavond
Sine Regno - Open Board Meeting
Resit Training CTD
Sine Regno - Dad joke workshop
Sine Regno - CDL7 Congres
Sine Regno - ZalmZound Zingalong
Sine Regno - Butterfly Lunchlecture
CollectCie High Tea
CDL-LIFE Evening
AkzoNobel Lunchlecture
Committee Interest
ONCS - The Show Must Ketone
Electional General Members Meeting
Dies swimming
Dies fairground drinks
Dies airsoft
Dies symposium
Dies painting pots
Dies gala&dinner
TraktaatCie Diner
CDL-TG Cantus
National Energy Traineeship: Open Discussion
VerO Game hall
SportCie Sportdag
Agidens case evening
Speeddate Evening
ExtrAkCie Soccer Tournament
Eerstejaars BBQ
Wissel ALV 09-09-2024
Back-2-Books Borrel - Pizza Magarita & Funghi
Back-2-Books Borrel - Pizza Caprese, Vegan Veggi & Vegan Chicken Harissa
Constitution Drinks (CoBo)
Master Weekend
Lunchlezing Westlake Epoxy
Eurofins case avond
Afscheidsfeest Kristallisatie
Avond van de Chemie
Lunchlezing Johnson & Johnson
CDL Tapt
Python Workshop
EC Wafel Lunch
EJW fotoborrel
AAC hertentamentraining
VerO kledingruil
Kwartjaarlijkse ALV
Master Career Diner
Mario Kart Toernooi
Agidens Case Evening
BRC & MexCie bekendmaking
Lunchlezing ANVS
CDL Tapt
MaCo Gingerbread House Contest
Labtour BioSyn, TC en MacBio
Christmas Dinner + Party
Christmas party
CollectCie Bingo
Collectie Bingo (eten)
Labtour MCBIM, CASC en MolPhys
Gupta Case Evening
Hertentamen Training OC1/STR
BRC Düsseldorf & Aken
MaCo Potluck Diner
VerO aandelenborrel
Halfjaarlijkse ALV
Lunchlezing Nationaal Energietraineeship
Dies bekendmaking & veiling
Ladies Career Night
Oefen pokertoernooi
Agidens Case Evening
PAC Symposium
PAC Symposium 2025 Crew
CollectCie movie night
CollectCie movie night + eten
MaCo to PhD or not to PhD
Commissie interesse
IFF excursie
Karaoke borrel
Labcoat Party
Sine Regno
Sine regno - Quality dinner
Sine regno - Study Lunch
Sine regno - CDL XL
EC Poolavond
Statuten ALV
LRC bekendmaking
Dies passe partout
Verkiezings ALV
Dies receptie
ONCS - The deatlhy halides
ONCS - The deatlhy halides zonder extra nacht
LuCo bekendmaking
MexCie Wenen en Budapest